Russian guy chasing a bear.

The cast of Wayne's World?

Vannak, akik jelmezben várják a Street View autóit, vannak, akik meglepődnek, és akadnak olyanok, akik a pokolba kívánják az egész társaságot a felvétel készítésének időpontjában. Te hol voltál, amikor elment melletted a Street View?

The miracle of birth caught on Google Street View.

Just a tiger stalking humans in a parking lot.

Aliens discovered on Google Street View!

I wonder what the heck is going on here.

That guy isn't having a good day.

Epic timing, Google.

Cops making an arrest.

That's a hot looking van. Smoking hot in fact.

I don't think you should go down this road.

Looks like an escaped inmate to me.

Laser experiment?

Terrible bus driver caught in the act.

Shooting at the Google Street Car in Colombia.

BBQ gone bad.

További érdekes helyzetek itt.